Our Story

DotDesigns... The Art of Inspired Living is the name of my small paper crafting & home decor business. I specialize in teaching the art of card making, scrapbooking, casual journaling & digital designing. I share my enthusiasm for creating through a wide variety of techniques via workshops, private classes & personal consultations that inspire others to live & celebrate life beautifully! I use & recommend Stampin' Up! products because I love the quality & versatility of the lines.  If we're going to take the time to make pretty things then we should use the very best of products to make the process fun and easy.
Grandma D. circa 1930(ish!)
I started DotDesigns in 2010 as a way to find the balance in my life. My goals were lofty and uncompromising:
  • Be more 'present' and at home with my kids through their teenage years.
  • Share my love of teaching, guiding and inspiring others
  • Maintain my creative spirit while earning a living
  • Empower women to feel great about themselves
I needed a beacon, something to be my guidepost and then it came to me...
My Grandma D! 

Inspiration before I knew what that was...
My Grandma D. was a creative woman. She'd sew, paint, hot glue and add sequins (yes, sequins!) to any number of projects. Grandma took great pride in her creative adventures and found them to be absolutely beautiful even when others may not have shared her vision. In fact, Grandma had creative 'mojo' before it was cool!  This was her gift to us and the world. Through the years, I have been searching for a way to help others feel good about creating and about themselves. I delight in 'A ha' moments when I hear others say, 'Oh, I can do that!' or 'Look what I did!' 

What's in a name?
My business model has an interesting parallel to the women in my family. DotDesigns is a celebration of our individual journey towards feeling great out oneself, meeting new friends and nurturing our desire to learn something new (even when the thought is intimidating.)  So with that said... my last thought is to share how DotDesigns... The Art of Inspired Living got her name.

Meet 'The Original' Dot: As featured above in all her sassy glory is my Grandma D!  Dorothy or Dottie to her friends, she was a petite little thing at 4'9" (if that) and under 90 lbs. She was as feisty as 'the day is long', incredibly thrifty, crafty and utterly unique. Grandma would tackle a variety of projects because she had the confidence in her creative abilities. 

3 sassy chicks - Summer, 2009
Meet Little Dot: My mom Patti, is one of the most magnificent women I know. Mom loves and appreciates beautiful things but doesn't really have the same desire to create as I do. My goal is to offer Mom and others 'in her boat' the confidence to learn how to make pretty things when she mood strikes her.

Meet Tiny Dot: That's Me! I certainly have my favorite formats for learning and creating, but I'm happy to dig in and try something new.  I enjoy creating with my hands but also use digital designing everyday in some capacity. I certainly don't know how to do everything but strive to align myself and my business with those who do so I can continue to learn and grow.

When I was pregnant with my daughter Anna, 14+ years ago, my brother came up with the brilliant exclamation that we could call her DOT.COM to continue our tradition! We had no idea at the time that the '.com' way of life would become what it is now.

Meet Dot.com:  Anna's fun, creative spirit shines through everything she does and I am inspired by her! Anna's generation is so tech-savvy.  She can most certainly create with traditional methods but gravitates towards digital.  The cool thing about Anna and her friends is the 'anything goes' mentality, but the forum needs to be quick and easy so that it's still fun.

And that is the story of DotDesigns...